Dhevan Pillay is the group CEO at LTM Energy – a proud GBCSA member, which recently scooped three international energy awards in 2020. He answered our questions to give us a better idea of his work, the environment and what inspires him.
1. Where do you go for inspiration?
My late mum was my role model, who inspired me to excel both professionally and personally. In her honour, LTM stands for “Leadership Through Mother wit”.
2. What is the best part of your work day?
I love the early mornings when I enjoy the peace and quiet of the brand new day. This is when I take the time to reflect on the events of the previous day and to prepare for upcoming items and challenges that the new day is set to bring. I find great solace in the outdoors and this helps me to stay grounded and offers me great peace of mind.
3. What achievement are you most proud of?
Apart from being the proud father of 3 daughters, it would be LTM Energy winning 3 international awards in 2020 and being elected as the president of the ESCO Association of Southern Africa (EASA).
4. What do you think is the most urgent global environmental challenge facing us?
It starts with YOU, the individual! Everyone needs to do their part to reduce their carbon footprint by seeking cleaner, greener alternative energy solutions, converting waste to energy, and to explore all opportunities to recycle.
5. What do you feel is the biggest issue in the green building industry that we have to overcome, and any ideas on where to start in tackling it?
Education and awareness are so important as they play a big part of the success process. The ESCO (energy services company) should present a sound business case, be it a large business, a small business or a residential customer. It is also important to ensure that the ESCO’s are well trained so that they can further educate and add value to the end client. It is vital that we act now and collaborate to leave a greener and more resilient economy and a sustainable future for many generations to come.