We are pleased to launch the GBCSA Green Pages, a catalogue that specifically profiles our product members.
At the Green Building Council South Africa (GBCSA) we certify whole buildings and not specific products, however, we often get asked to recommend products that have an environmental focus. While we cannot interrogate the composition of each product and our rating systems rely on technical data and affiliated recognised green product labels, as a member-based organisation, we have many members who produce and distribute products that would be well placed in green buildings.
This catalogue serves to profile those member organisations. It is through the support of our members that we are able to continue the important work of transforming the South African built environment to be a place where people and the planet thrive.
The GBCSA Green Pages gives you a quick A-Z reference to all of our product members, and insight into the related Green Star rating system categories, where these products could help you to achieve points. We hope that it will be useful to you when looking for possible solutions for your green building project.
Browse the catalogue here.